Thick fog has enveloped the mountaintop this first September Saturday, amplifying the closeness of the clouds and mystique of the surrounding shadowy forest. There is both catlike curiosity and an inherent hesitancy that descends upon the cabin dweller as their waking eyes gaze upon the ghouly gray. Naturally, a mental tug-of-war ensues, weighing the pros and cons of sprinting across camp for that invigorating cup of coffee, or resigning oneself to the comfort and security of a warm wool blanket a few minutes longer. Eventually the abrupt and piercing clanging of a triangular auditory agitator wins out, forcing a hasty fitting of hiking boots and an awkward mid-sleep saunter to the dining hall for simple yet always satisfying flapjacks. A sugary shot of Tang sweetens the senses, reminding one that a shrouded wilderness oasis isn’t all that daunting when in the company of friends. There are trails to be trekked and climbs to be conquered!
Some lingering rain showers are in their last throws, expected to be a nagging presence during these morning hours but eventually moving out of town this afternoon. The cloud cover will be the last to bid us farewell, but hopefully by this evening clearer skies have found their way back to Mt. LeConte. Temps are mild in the low 50s, made cool by the breeze and dampness of the air. And it won’t get any warmer today, with chillier overnight lows in the 40s on the way. The week ahead is calling for repetitive sunny skies, which will make for some superb late summer memory-making in the Smokies.
Have a great day.
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